Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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How to make a candle powered phone charger

candle-powered phone charger was built by Gigafide. The concept used for this charger is not a new one. He used a Peltier cooler and applied temperature differential between a flame and a heat sink to produce electricity that is used to charge a mobile. There are a plenty of candle-powered devices that you can find. But here you can find high quality video where you can view great explanation of the concepts, and ability to source the components in consumer devices. I hope you will be enjoying this video without confusion. The Peltier device comes out of a USB drink chiller and is supported by a metal stand made from electrical box covers and threaded rod. Gel fuel is used for flame which is mostly used in food industries, and he got a CPU hot sinc and fan above. Around 1.5V electricity is produced out of this device but it needs a boost converter to charge a mobile phone with the device.
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Author: Bhanu Chander Bathini (CEO, Tricks Town.)
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